Draft 4 Base Dialect
JSON Schema Draft 4 is a JSON media type that provides a contract for what JSON data is required for a given application and how to interact with it. JSON Schema is intended to define validation, documentation, hyperlink navigation, and interaction control of JSON data.
Specification | https://json-schema.org/draft-04/draft-zyp-json-schema-04 |
Authors | |
Metaschema | http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema# |
Implementations | https://bowtie.report/#/dialects/draft4 |
Using this dialect
To make use of this dialect, declare your schemas to have the dialect metaschema using the $schema
keyword. For example:
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#"
Citing this dialect
The recommended way to cite the JSON Schema Draft 4 dialect using BibTex is as follows:
title = { JSON Schema: A JSON based format for defining the structure of JSON data },
author = { Galiegue, Francis and Zyp, Kris and Court, Gary },
organization = { JSON Schema },
year = { 2013 },
url = { https://json-schema.org/draft-04/draft-zyp-json-schema-04 }
A curated set of vocabularies defined for this JSON Schema dialect.
Core Official Included By Default
This vocabulary defines JSON Schema core terminology and mechanisms; related specifications build upon this specification and define different applications of JSON Schema. Read more about this vocabulary.
Keyword | Kind | Instance | Summary |
id | Identifier | Any | This keyword declares an identifier for the schema resource. |
$schema | Identifier | Any | This keyword is both used as a JSON Schema dialect identifier and as a reference to a JSON Schema which describes the set of valid schemas written for this particular dialect. |
$ref | Applicator | Any | This keyword is used to reference a statically identified schema. |
Validation Official Included By Default
A vocabulary that defines keywords that impose requirements for successful validation of an instance. Read more about this vocabulary.
Keyword | Kind | Instance | Summary |
type | Assertion | Any | Validation succeeds if the type of the instance matches the type represented by the given type, or matches at least one of the given types. |
enum | Assertion | Any | Validation succeeds if the instance is equal to one of the elements in this keyword’s array value. |
multipleOf | Assertion | Number | A numeric instance is valid only if division by this keyword’s value results in an integer. |
maximum | Assertion | Number | Validation succeeds if the numeric instance is less than or less than or equal to the given number, depending on the value of exclusiveMaximum , if any |
exclusiveMaximum | Assertion | Number | Validation succeeds if the numeric instance is less than the given number. |
minimum | Assertion | Number | Validation succeeds if the numeric instance is greater than or greater than or equal to the given number, depending on the value of exclusiveMinimum , if any |
exclusiveMinimum | Assertion | Number | When minimum is present and this keyword is set to true, the numeric instance must be greater than the value in minimum . |
maxLength | Assertion | String | A string instance is valid against this keyword if its length is less than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. |
minLength | Assertion | String | A string instance is valid against this keyword if its length is greater than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. |
pattern | Assertion | String | A string instance is considered valid if the regular expression matches the instance successfully. |
items | Applicator | Array | If set to a schema, validation succeeds if each element of the instance validates against it, otherwise validation succeeds if each element of the instance validates against the schema at the same position, if any |
additionalItems | Applicator | Array | If items is set to an array of schemas, validation succeeds if each element of the instance not covered by it validates against this schema. If set to false , no additional items are allowed in the array instance. |
maxItems | Assertion | Array | An array instance is valid if its size is less than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. |
minItems | Assertion | Array | An array instance is valid if its size is greater than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. |
uniqueItems | Assertion | Array | If this keyword is set to the boolean value true , the instance validates successfully if all of its elements are unique. |
maxProperties | Assertion | Object | An object instance is valid if its number of properties is less than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. |
minProperties | Assertion | Object | An object instance is valid if its number of properties is greater than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. |
required | Assertion | Object | An object instance is valid against this keyword if every item in the array is the name of a property in the instance. |
properties | Applicator | Object | Validation succeeds if, for each name that appears in both the instance and as a name within this keyword’s value, the child instance for that name successfully validates against the corresponding schema. |
patternProperties | Applicator | Object | Validation succeeds if, for each instance name that matches any regular expressions that appear as a property name in this keyword’s value, the child instance for that name successfully validates against each schema that corresponds to a matching regular expression. |
additionalProperties | Applicator | Object | Validation succeeds if the schema validates against each value not matched by other object applicators in this vocabulary. If set to false , no additional properties are allowed in the instance. |
dependencies | Assertion | Object | Validation succeeds if, for each name that appears in both the instance and as a name within this keyword’s value, either every item in the corresponding array is also the name of a property in the instance or the corresponding subschema successfully evaluates against the instance. |
allOf | Applicator | Any | An instance validates successfully against this keyword if it validates successfully against all schemas defined by this keyword’s value. |
anyOf | Applicator | Any | An instance validates successfully against this keyword if it validates successfully against at least one schema defined by this keyword’s value. |
oneOf | Applicator | Any | An instance validates successfully against this keyword if it validates successfully against exactly one schema defined by this keyword’s value. |
not | Applicator | Any | An instance is valid against this keyword if it fails to validate successfully against the schema defined by this keyword. |
format | Annotation | String | Define semantic information about a string instance. |
definitions | Reserved Location | Any | This keyword reserves a location for schema authors to inline re-usable JSON Schemas into a more general schema. |
title | Annotation | Any | A preferably short description about the purpose of the instance described by the schema. |
description | Annotation | Any | An explanation about the purpose of the instance described by the schema. |
default | Annotation | Any | This keyword can be used to supply a default JSON value associated with a particular schema. |